
Technical Writing & Communications

International Manufacturer Coordinating, Customer Service, Technical Communications & Technical Writing Class, Defensive Publication Drafting, Patent Prosecution, Project Design Reports

Senior Design Project: Kenergy

For my Senior Design Project back in the Spring of 2022, my team and I worked to design a new school building for a small village outside of Nairobi, Kenya. As the project lead, it was my responsibility to coordinate with our partner organizations in addition to managing our small team to design the building and solar electrical system. I was unable to travel to Kenya to be a part of the project implementation, however received some amazing pictures of our designs coming to life!

Leadership & Organization

From high school leadership team president to project lead on my college senior design project, leading people has always been a favorite of mine- and it comes pretty naturally too. I have learned to stay organized in my management, work hard to build up a team, and to always do my best to lead by example.

On the organization side of things, from physical organization of spaces to coordinating people, to putting together files and schedules, my "OCD" brain loves order and I strive to bring that into every space I am a part of in various ways.

Event Planning & Coordinating

Back in June of 2022, my wedding was at a dear friend's backyard, which meant every single detail had to be thought out by myself (and my mother) to make the day happen. We coordinated everything from table layouts to tent rentals and even contingency plans had it rained to give us our dream wedding day, which is no small feat without the help of a professional planner.

So why do I include my wedding on a professional "resume" website? Well, because when it comes to coordinating, planning, scheduling, and especially logistics, no matter how big, small, or random the project may be, I'm your girl.

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